Enabling Providers with Timely Information Aids the Patient’s Journey Towards Better Health Outcomes

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on August 8, 2021

In today’s fast-paced world, it is important that patients and providers have access to information at all times. Providers need accurate and timely information in order to provide the best possible care for their patients. Patients want quick access to their records so they can feel more confident about what is happening with their health. 

With an HMS solution, your providers will be able to view the most up-to-date medical history of each patient whenever they are logging into your system – making them less likely to make errors or forget pertinent information during appointments.

Providing timely patient information empowers the provider with knowledge so they can provide superior care by breaking down communication barriers and reducing anxiety levels at all touchpoints across the patient journey. Let's check out how.

Availability of the patient information enables all touchpoints across the patient journey to work together to reduce the patient’s anxiety levels, break down communication barriers and provide the best of care.

Touchpoint 1: Front office

The front office will be the first point of contact a patient has when they reach the hospital, making them an essential link in providing the best care possible. The availability of a patient’s visit history is beneficial for all staff at all touchpoints to work together and break down communication barriers. 

The data from hospital management software or the appointment management software provides detailed information on the previous doctor visit, the previous medical issues of the patients from the electronic medical report, and even the medications required previously can be extracted and communicated with the patient.

While allocating slots, HMS can help the front office manager to arrange the required resources like the nurse, the therapist, the procedure room, or diagnostics equipment and communicate with the patient the next availability slots precisely.

Touchpoint 2: Billing

This is one of the most conflicted areas in a hospital. Patients often disagree with the bill amount or on the miscommunication about insurance coverages. Billing software integrated with hospital management software helps to provide clarity to patients about the insurance coverages for the services offered to them and also provides estimates for planned treatment. 

The hospital management software integrated with third-party insurance aggregators helps the staff to easily access and share the information on prior authorization, and insurance approvals with the patient. This offers clarity on the patient's insurance eligibility and coverage rules, inclusions and exclusions. When patients know in advance what their treatment is going to cost, it eliminates one of the major sources of anxiety for them – unanticipated expenses on discharge.

Touchpoint 3: Doctor

The Hospital management software and electronic health reports help the doctor to understand the patient's medical history way before he enters the consulting room. This helps the doctor to understand the underlying health conditions of the patients, previous history of allergies of the patient, or any chronic conditions which the patient may forget to mention during his conversation. Data about previous visits also help doctors prepare and have all the contextual information needed to provide care.

Having a doctor that is familiar with all of your health information can significantly help reduce patient anxiety. When you communicate efficiently with the doctor, they'll have detailed knowledge to provide the best care for their patients.

Touchpoint 4: Pharmacist

Patients or bystanders approaching a pharmacy for emergencies expect quick services. The faster they are able to purchase the medication, the more quickly they can be relieved and go about their day with ease.

Hospital management software integrated into the inventory management software or the billing software of the pharmacy makes it possible to communicate the information for the requirement of the medication as soon as the prescription is entered. Pharmacists assist patients by checking inventory for prescriptions before the patient arrives, and they can also contact doctors if medications are out of stock to recommend an alternate.

Touchpoint 5: Therapists

During or after the treatment at the hospital or clinic, patients may be required to undergo physiotherapy or other after-care services. Hospital management software helps the hospital to communicate well with the patient giving clarity about the number of sessions required, the packages of treatment that the patient can choose, and also include their preferences.

The hospital management software also communicates with therapists in order to schedule appointments and provide the therapist a list of patients requiring treatment with the help of the data from electronic health reports. These well-managed processes help the patients to reduce their anxiety and also to get the best care for themselves.

In short, the hospital management software is a powerful tool that acts as a two-way communication portal that enables all the different touchpoints across the patient journey to work together and provide information necessary for improving the care of patients and also to be empathetic and considerate towards the patient's health conditions by giving the required attention and care.

Insta by Practo connects with every detail of your patient’s journey to ensure that the patient experience is one of comfort and understanding.

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August 8, 2021