
How Does an HMS Benefit a Hospital Nurse?

Written by Arun Joseph Varghese | Oct 19, 2021 6:24:46 PM

Nurses are often referred to as the backbone of a hospital. This is most often true as they are responsible for the tasks which ensure the proper functioning of the hospital. But most of the time, nursing is a difficult profession. Nurses work long shifts, sometimes even more than doctors, for modest pay. 

The one way to boost the productivity of your nurses is to get a hospital management system. A hospital management system (HMS) helps hospitals organize their data and systems, and provides nurses with essential data that help them work efficiently and effectively. This prevents nurses from having to attend to menial tasks such as scheduling, taking patient calls, doing paperwork, etc. The nurses are most often the ones most benefited from an HMS, as most of the administrative tasks fall on their shoulders.

Here are a few areas where an HMS can help the nurses.


Traditionally, a doctor’s schedule is maintained in paper calendars, and the task is most often charged to nurses. Paper calendars in turn are difficult to manage and stand the risk of being lost or getting misplaced, making the task more tedious. 

With an HMS, the calendar is digitalized, and the process of scheduling and managing it is made simpler. With a cloud-based HMS, doctors can access the calendar on their phones or any other system, and nurses do not have to alert them of their appointments anymore. 

An HMS can also schedule and manage the shifts of the nurses in the hospital, enabling the rest of the staff to easily work around their availability.

Transfer of information

Since nurses work in shifts, passing on information about the health condition of patients and the upcoming procedures for the day is crucial. An HMS enables a nurse to transfer data to the nurse working the next shift without any loss of information. One could even add notifications and comments for the next person to take note of. 

Clinical Documentation

The nurses are responsible for frequently recording the patient’s vitals, keeping track of assessments and medicines administered, etc. With the mobile interface made available by the hospital management system, this information can be instantly entered into and accessed from the database through handheld devices. This reduces the effort and time that goes into managing paper charts and documents.

Patient reports

The efficiency of patient care depends on the information available on the patient’s present condition, procedures conducted, test reports, etc. Since nurses are in charge of caring for a large number of patients, spending time searching for reports could reduce their productivity and affect patient satisfaction. 

The EMR feature offered by the HMS gives real-time data on the patient at all times so that nurses do not have to compromise on patient care. 

Admission, Transfer, and Discharge

Nurses are most often responsible for managing the admission, transfer, and discharge of a patient into a hospital. An HMS makes these processes easier by:

  • Managing the patient's admission, discharge, and transfer process through the inpatient bed management features.
  • Shifting, retaining, or allocating a bed to the bystander.
  • Enabling automated bill charge postings based on the patient’s period of stay basis configured bed charges for hourly, half-day, full-day charges, duty doctor charges, and nursing charges.
  • Setting up multiple discharge states for the patient such as Initial Discharge, Clinical Discharge, Financial Discharge, and track pending billing and clinical activities in preparation for the patient’s clearance for the Physical Discharge.


Getting an HMS can prevent nurses from wasting their time on menial tasks and help them concentrate on patient care, thereby increasing productivity and patient satisfaction. But just any hospital management system cannot give you the results you need. You need the best in the market.

Insta HMS is a cloud-based software that could be accessed on any system, any time, anywhere. If you work in or run a hospital, getting Insta HMS would be the best thing you could do for your nurses. 

Still not convinced? Book a free demo now.